Sunday, January 17, 2010

39 Weeks!

Well, I'm dilated to 1cm and 80% effaced (cervical thinning). That doesn't guarantee a delivery date - it could still be days away... but it was good news! Last night I think I felt my first Braxton-Hix contractions... a tightening in the upper abdominal muscles right below my ribs. The baby was moving a lot too. Felt like some kind of progress was being made. I was able to sleep really well despite feeling a few contractions, 2 bathroom breaks and lots of baby movements. This is very, very exciting for us!!

At church we are learning about worshiping the Lord and having intimate prayer with the Lord. Both of these topics remind me of the sweet, sweet fellowship I had with the Lord when He first saved me (July of 2004). I'm desiring the same fellowship now. I know the Lord hasn't changed toward me. I know that if I seek Him with all my heart our relationship will be restored to what it used to be. That is my prayer. It's easy for me to be distracted by all of these wonderful things that are happening in my life (marriage, a baby and motherhood), but I want to be disciplined to prioritize my 1st love... the Lord.

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