Friday, October 22, 2010

9 months

What is she doing now?
* saying ma-ma-ma, da-da-da
* has 4 teeth now (2 top, 2 bottom) & her own toothpaste and toothbrush
* crawling
* standing up in her crib
* playing by herself (likes to look at her books)
* willingly eating solid foods (mostly veggies, some fruits, grains - barley & millet & rice cereal, yogurt (small amounts)) No meats or egg yet.
* laughing
* loves to swim (supported of course)
* mostly taking 2 naps (9am and 1pm), but sometimes only takes 1
* still nursing and nursing to sleep for naps and night time
* going to sleep at around 7:30pm (depending on naps and waking up usually between 6:30am-7am)
* sometimes sleeps through the night, but typically wakes 1 time for diaper change and nursing to sleep

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7 months

This is how I get around (rolling):

This is my newest smile - straight across and usually biting down on my two bottom teeth.

I like to explore the limits of my play area... like the TV stand.
the books on the coffee table are fun to pull down and spread all over the place... and chew on.
My high chair is so cool.

An incentive for mommy to keep the floors really clean.
I'm checking to see if mommy cleaned the floors.
My first vacation to Santa Barbara. I had so much fun!!

I love swimming.