Avery Mittman (Kristine's little girl):

I'm overwhelmed by the love I received today from my sisters-in-Christ. One of my dear friends, Robyn, threw me a baby shower at her house today. The food was delicious and the games were fun. The cupcake/cake creation matched the invitations she sent out. Needless to say, Robyn excels in hospitality, generosity and kindness. My close friends from my old church were there to celebrate with me. I love each and every one of these girls (Cori, Veronica, Carla, Amber, Kristine, Leah, Steph, Robyn). Also, two baby girls were in attendance... Suzie Sanderson (1 yo) and Avery Mittman (8 mo). Seeing these precious little baby girls made me even more excited to have a little girl of my own. Didn't hurt that they were both very well behaved the whole party!
Cute Baby Girl Gifts:
I remember before the Lord Jesus Christ saved me, I had very few close friendships. I was living in the city of Santa Clarita and I thought that there weren't any other girls nearby in my situation - single, young, hungry for friendships. The Lord, by His amazing mercy and grace, revealed Himself to me in July of 2004 (through the Bible and hearing the preaching of the gospel at Grace Community Church) and He totally turned my heart around (repentance and faith in Him). It was like chains were lifted off of me. I was made a new creation in Christ. At the same time, the Lord lavished friendships on me. Pretty soon, I met each one of these precious ladies at Grace Community Church and I've known most of them since 2004. The Lord provides for us more than we can even ask Him or imagine. He knows exactly what we need. The #1 most important thing I needed was to know Him and trust Him as my Lord and Savior. All the rest, friends, peace, joy, my husband, my baby, are extra blessings that I do not deserve, but I happily accept as kindness, mercy, and love from my Savior... more than I could ever ask for or dream of.
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