Last night was a wonderful night for mommy because Lauren slept for 5 hours straight! After a feeding frenzy starting at around 6:15pm and going until 11:30pm (with a break for a walk around the neighborhood which turned into a mini-nap for Lauren and small breaks to hangout with daddy till he couldn't keep her from sucking on his arm or shirt), Lauren slept from 11:30pm until 4:40am! Then she slept for another 3 hours... but those weren't as restful for me because although she was sleeping, she was making lots of little noises in her crib. She makes lots of grunting/chirping noises in her sleep.
We haven't inforced a schedule for her, but so far looks like she likes the following:
rise and shine (between 6:45 and 7:30am)
mid-morning nap (at around 10 or 11 am for about 1 or 2 hours)
afternoon nap (any time between 1 - 4pm lasting for about 2 or 3 hours)
eating before bed (between 7-11pm)
bedtime (at around 10 or 11pm)
This works well for us because daddy sometimes doesn't get home till 7pm... so an early bedtime would be bad for daddy since he wants to play with his little girl when he gets home.
I hope that the night feedings will continue to be like last night:
feeding #1: 5 hours after bedtime
feeding #2: 3 hours after feeding #1
I'm really not as demanding as I look... "I want my milk now!":

Grandma Bonnie likes to come play with me:

Ms. Debi is the sweet lady who set my mommy and daddy up on their first date! Without her, there wouldn't be a me!

My first big girl outfit (I no longer wear NB size):

Early mornings with mommy:

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