Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lauren is Growing!

Lauren is dressed up for church:

Lauren's friend Samantha was born a week after Lauren. Sam's parents are in our Sunday school.
Lauren really likes this toy (see video below).
Lounging on the breastfeeding pillow:

Lauren continues to melt our hearts. Her little personality is showing up in various ways.

* How she crys out in the early evening when she wants her milk and mommy is trying to get dinner cooked or trying to take a little break from the 'feeding frenzy'. The cry isn't one of pain or helplessness... it's one of demand and I think it's kind of funny.

* She coos and 'talks' when we sit on the bouncy exercise ball together and sing. I think she is showing me how she enjoys this activity.

* She smiles while looking at us.

* She follows me with her eyes when I walk into a room or when I walk by. She knows when I'm in the room and when I leave (she crys when I leave).

* I know she likes to be held (what baby does not). She is content and happy when I'm holding her. I can put her in her bouncy chair for awhile, but then she wimpers a bit... I pick her up and she is happy again.

* She is growing! She wears 3 month outfits and will probably grow out of them soon.

* She likes her new toy:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna! I was catching up on your blog. I love your nursing station- my couch looked just like that. Brings back lots of memories. Lauren is so cute and getting so big!
