Here is the link to the 2010 vaccine schedule on google docs (just copy paste):
I'm starting with this and focusing on the 2 month recommended vaccines... then going to read in Dr. Sears The Vaccine Book to figure out what to do... more to come:
At 2 months, the recommended vaccine's from the Center for Disease Control are:
So now I'm researching to see what we will do for Lauren. Dr. Sears has a modified vaccine schedule which is more conservative than the CDC's.
3-21-2010 update
I've read parts of the Vaccine Book (plan to read more as I have time) and have decided to use Dr. Sears' alternative Vaccine Schedule. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know what is best for your child, but this is what I'd like to do for mine. I sent this email to my doctor to prepare for this Friday's 2 month appointment and see what she thinks:
Hello Dr. Malawa,
Lauren has her 2 month appointment
this coming Friday.
Question 1: I'd like to give her 2 vaccines at this 2 month appointment: the DTaP vaccine by Daptacel (
Sanofi Pasteur) & the
Rotavirus vaccine (although we can skip the Rotavirus vaccine if you don't think it is as important - I think you said that last time we met. Lauren is breastfed and is not in day care).
Question 2: For the DTaP, can we give her the Daptacel brand (Sanofi Pasteur)? I do not want to give her the Infanrix brand of DTaP which contains double the amount of aluminum as Daptacel.
Can you email me back to let me know if I need to call the office about this question instead of using this email?
I included the big picture vaccine schedule for Lauren below (Polio vaccine would not be given until 9 months).
Thank you,
This is the vaccine schedule I'd like for Lauren:
Dr. Sears' (modified by me) Alternative Vaccine Schedule (only one aluminum-containing vaccine at a time and only one live virus vaccine at a time)
2 months: DTaP, Rotavirus(?)
3 months*: Pc, HIB
4 months: DTaP, Rotavirus(?)
5 months*: Pc, HIB
6 months: DTaP, Rotavirus(?)
7 months*: Pc, HIB
9 months:
Polio, Flu (mercury
free flu shot)
12 months: Mumps, Polio
15 months: Pc, HIB
18 months: DTaP
21 months*: Flu
2 years:
Rubella, Polio
2 years, 6 months*: Hep A
3 years: Hep B, Measles, Flu
3 years, 6 months*: Hep B, Hep A
4 years: DTaP, Polio, Flu
5 years: MMR, Flu
* the 3, 5, and 7 month vaccines occur during a "shot-only" visit