Someday I'll be able to use that equipment.
Lauren is now 5 months old. Here are some things I've learned:
* People said things would get easier at 3 months. I think things started getting easier (with sleeping and eating) at 4 or 4.5 months. I can see how things might be a little easier with a 2nd child because of everything learned with the 1st child.
* I like the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Weissbluth as a reference for information about sleep needs for different ages. This book seems to advocate the cry-it-out method, but for now my hubby and I don't plan on using the cry-it-out method. When mom is sleep deprived, any tips on how babies sleep and how to get them to sleep on a schedule is super important... at least to me it is. Two very important things I learned from this book: (1) young babies can only take around 1.5 to 2 hours of awake time before then need to take a nap (especially in the morning), and (2) a late afternoon nap or early evening nap might actually be babies bedtime (try for an earlier bedtime).
* I find myself choosing between reading my Bible for spiritual growth and refreshment and napping... While I know that my spiritual growth is more important than my physical needs, sometimes I choose a nap over reading and lately the naps haven't been refreshing. God's word is always refreshing. I hit a peak of tiredness this week... one peak of many. This proverb jumped out at me in one of my daily Bible readings: Prov 20:13 Do not love sleep, lest you come to poverty; Open your eyes, and you will be satisfied with bread. Well, I'm one of those people who love sleep and get really cranky when I don't get enough sleep. All I can say is... my poor husband has found a way to deal with me (and encourage me) despite my crankiness.
* When people said 'nap when your baby naps', I didn't take it seriously at the beginning. I remember painting my toe nails at 3am after a feeding when Lauren was a weeks old... who's tired?? not me!! BUT now I realize that 'nap when your baby naps' is REALLY IMPORTANT!
* Taking care of my home (keeping it clean) and taking care of myself are both part of taking care of my husband and baby. I was separating the two before... but my hubby reminded me that it is OK to let Lauren play by herself while I eat lunch or do some laundry. He is a wise hubby. Initially I was trying to play with her, teach her and talk to her all the time. I have a problem feeling guilty if I leave her for a few minutes to vacuum or do laundry. I don't want her to get bored... BUT, she'll be crawling soon so I need to vacuum. And her daddy needs clean clothes!! And she will appreciate a clean house (not perfectly clean, but good enough).
* Changed my cleaning goals from 'big' ones per day (vacuum on Monday, bathrooms on Tuesday, Laundry on Wednesday) to little ones (vacuum one room, clean one bathroom, do one load of laundry). These smaller daily goals still make a difference and don't leave me wiped out for the baby bedtime routine (6:30 bath and nurse till around 7:30 or 8pm) and then spending time with my husband.
* My husband is a wonderful daddy. He is very protective of her. When he is home he usually volunteers to help with changing diapers and playing with her. He wakes up early before work to spend time with her. He always supports me and encourages me.
* We both love her so much. We pretty much enjoy talking about her all the time. We even like watching videos of her after we put her to bed (every now and then).
* This thought crosses my mind a lot: "How will I be able to handle more than one baby?" And when I'm in tears because I'm tired or discouraged, I wonder if my hubby would even let me have another one. Of course he will!! But the thought still crosses my mind. I can be very wimpy... but I wish I was strong. Then I'm reminded that the Lord gives grace every day and He has been answering prayer after prayer after prayer. He says: "My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness."
* Hearing Lauren laugh is the most beautiful and sweet sound. She gives smiles all the time, but a good belly chuckle and squeal only happens a few times per day.
* Lauren reminds me a lot of her daddy. She is very ticklish like he is. She has his eyes. She has his upper lip curve. When she raises her eyebrows, she looks just like him. What a sweet treat that my baby reminds me of my hubby. I LOVE it!
* Lauren gets angry when I try to burp her before bed and she wants to keep eating. I know what is best for her (get the air out!), but she protests. She also throws her little fist down when she gets mad about something. Sometimes when I let her start nursing again after she has gotten worked up because I tried to burp her she'll throw a few open palms into my chest.
* Lauren is big enough to stretch out her arm and put the palm of her hand on my face while she is nursing. She likes to rest her open palm on my chin and mouth. She also likes to play with her daddy's beard when he holds her. She reaches her little hand up to his chin and touches his beard.
What sweet pictures! What a sweet baby! I can relate to you on almost every single point. Just minutes ago, I told my husband, "This parenting thing is so hard." We are in the keep- your-3-year-old-in-bed phase. :) Thank you for your honesty. It's very encouraging to know we are not walking alone in motherhood. I need to write you an e-mail!