2 months: DTaP
3 months: Hib, Pc
4 months: DTaP
She'll go in again at 5 months for the 2nd round of Hib and Pc. Spreading out the vaccines like this is working well so far. The 3 months, 5 months and 7 months visits are nurse only where she just goes in for the shots.
Lauren smiles a lot, but you wont see many in pictures because I have a camera that shines a bright red light when taking a picture. As soon as Lauren sees that light she stops everything. We need to look into getting a more discrete camera to capture her personality. Till then here are some of the blank stares she gives the camera:
Trying to communicate:
Does not like the Ave Maria played on the cello by daddy:
Playing with her toys in her bumbo chair:
She is beautiful! If you ever get a chance - I would love to see what vaccination schedule you are following. Would you mind e-mailing it to me?