Kankles... I can't believe I'm posting this picture... but I hope it gives someone a good laugh... and some sympathy for me:
36 weeks:

According to the doctor, the baby's head is down, but she is not "engaged" yet. So she hasn't moved down yet. This makes me feel like she'll probably not be coming early... I think she'll come on her due date or a few days later. But the Lord knows! On the way home from our yearly trip to Mammoth, my hubby and I listened to sermons by J. MacArthur titled "Anxiety Free Living". I downloaded these sermons to prepare for labor and delivery and because I have been feeling a bit anxious about what will happen. The sermons were a great reminder to me that I can trust God for the Labor and Delivery. He already has a plan for us for how He is going to use us in this world, for how long He wants us here for His purposes, for how He is going to provide for us (food and necessities). I can't add an extra day to my life and there is no sense in worrying.
Luke 12:29-32
"And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
I like to emphasize the "your Father" part because it reminds me that He cares for me. I have trusted in Him as my Savior, I'm His child, I depend on Him for everything, and He'll be right there with me through this labor, delivery and then parenting and...life and then eternity!
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