Now I'm feeling the pressure of getting a lot of things done before the baby comes.
I just ordered some fuzzi bunz diapers online. Don't know how well they'll work, but I like the idea of washable, but easy to use reusable diapers. I will also purchase disposable diapers just in case, but I'm hoping that the fuzzi bunz work great and I can then use them with any future children we have too. This should hopefully save money, be softer on their bums (supposed to be less diaper rash with these), and be friendlier on the environment. Although I have read arguements that state that the energy used by frequent washing machine cycles and drying can counteract the environmental benefits. Well, I'm going to try it anyways. http://www.fuzzibunz.com/

Baby's room:
Baby's room still needs some organizing. I might need some shelves to put up her books and toys and clear off the dresser countertop which will be her changing station.
Dresser after progress has been made:
Bed with stuff on it (the bed will stay in the room for guests, but we are moving it against the wall to make more room for the crib):
Future site of crib. This desk will be moved out of the room and into our bedroom and the crib will be placed here:
Toys and books on dresser need to be moved... possibly to shelves on the wall:
Baby clothes. I had fun folding and organizing her clothes. We received everything we need from our friends:
Baby books:
Newborn diapers:
Hospital Paperwork:
I have the paperwork to fill out (pre-register), but haven't filled it out yet. I need to fill it out and drop it off at the hospital. If I get it in now, we won't have to worry about doing paperwork when we arrive and I'm in labor.
Birth Plan:
I need to complete a simple one-page birth plan to give to my doctor, my doula, and the nurses who will be assisting me during labor. This birth plan will have details like, "I prefer intermittent fetal monitoring (not full-time monitoring)", "I do not want to be offered pain medication. If I want it, I will ask for it." etc...
Send Christmas Cards and Gifts:
It's that time of year!!
Clean the House & Organize:
Now is a good time to do that. When the baby comes, I hear it's hard to get much done at first.
Well, there is probably more, but this is a good start. This week I have my 34 week appointment on Wednesday. Not sure what will be done at that appointment.
We finished our last Bradley class on Sunday. The last class was on baby care. One fun fact I learned is that breast-milk can be used to help open a clogged tear duct... just apply a few drops to baby's eye. A few drops of breast milk can also be put into baby's nose if she has a cold and then suctioned out. Breast milk helps break up mucus and also helps fight infection.
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