Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 5 --- Breastfeeding is hard, but I'm sticking with it

[Update: Met with Lactation consultant today (Roxy Sims from Glendale Memorial Hospital) and all is well. Lauren weighs over 10 pounds! Wow we were surprised by that. She ate 3 ounces during our lactation visit. Her latch is just fine. According to Roxy, she sucks in air due to excessive letdown at times... she pulls back a bit and then loses the latch momentarily. She's been doing better lately and I'm not as stressed about it, especially now that I've gotten the OK from Roxy... Lauren is doing just fine!]
Roxy Sims, lactation consultant from Glendale Memorial:

Look at those chubby cheeks!

This is where I feed her and a few of the pillows I use:
Lauren's giraffe toy and her little lamb chair. Happy and chubby.
Lauren loves her daddy so much:
One of her favorite positions:
Chubby cheeks:

Breastfeeding was easy at first... but has gotten harder the last week (week 4-5) mainly because I think Lauren has a shallow latch sometimes (especially during the middle of the night feedings) and she sucks in air sometimes and I can hear the air bubbles going into her tummy :(.

I started out the morning in tears for a few reasons:

1. I'm really tired
2. Lauren was fussy the night before due to gas... which I suspected she was getting from ME (not my foods, but from breastfeeding - is it an improper latch, a weak latch?)
3. Lauren was fussy in the morning and was sucking some air
4. I have 5 pillows, one "my brest friend" aide, and a love seat and I was frustrated trying to figure out how to best set up for feeding Lauren. Is this normal to have so many pillows and to feel awkward when getting set up and trying to get a good latch?

So today I spent some time on the internet looking for info and videos on breastfeeding. These videos helped (you tube) and I got a good latch this evening from one little tip (a slight rotation so the chin rotates away from the areola getting the "asymmetrical latch"). Asymmetrical latch means that the lower lip is farther away from the nipple and the upper lip is closer to the nipple. The lower lip massages the milk ducts and the baby gets the fatty hind milk if she can stay on for around 20 minutes. Lauren doesn't usually make it to 20 minutes unless I coax her and try to keep her awake and alert. Well, instead of me explaining all of the breastfeeding tips I found useful, I'm going to create a link list to my favorite helpful breastfeeding sites and videos. Breastfeeding is very rewarding and I am sticking to it. Tomorrow I have a lactation appointment (my last free appointment at Glendale Memorial Hospital) and then I'm going to become a regular at the GMH breastfeeding support circle which meets every Thursday from 1-3pm... it's free and I need the support right about now!

Also, I got a lot of great encouragement from friends including my friend Crystal L., mother of 3 little ones. One reason I love using facebook is all of the encouragement I've gotten from my mommy friends, including Crystal. Here is the facebook post from Crystal that really encouraged me:

"I made a mental note to self about a week and a half ago, that I would re-assure my daughters when they have children - that nursing takes time, and not to give up - it took Judah and I a good 2 1/2 months to get in sync - and often - you are more than likely doing just fine - and it doesn't SEEM like it. They are hardwired to nurse - and it does get easier - we PROMISE!" - Crystal

Love my friends for the encouragement. Also, my hubby bought some mylicon drops to help Lauren if she has swallowed air and needs some gas relief. We were going to get Gripe Water, but Target was out. Those were the two medicines friends recommended for gas relief.

Did I mention how tired I am? I'm not sleeping very soundly... to be honest, I'm having nightmares that Lauren is in my arms while I'm sleeping or that I'm squeezing my breast while she is nursing (in my sleep) or other anxiety/baby related topics my mind chooses to go to while sleeping! I need to pray about this and get rid of this anxiety before sleeping.

Off to feed Lauren!

1 comment:

  1. Anna those pics are so cute and obviously she's getting fed well! Anxiety is part of the Mom stuff and if it's bothering your sleep talk with your doctor and they may have a few suggestions. The asymetrical latch worked for me when Gene went through a phase....normally as I would nurse him, I swore I could hear the "Jaws" music playing as he was an enthusiastic nurser. I remember being so tired that I would pin a safety pin on my nursing bra on the side he'd last nursed from so I could remember to start there the next time so he would get the hind milk. Rob would laugh and remind me not to poke myself...gotta love the hubbys. I hope things get better for you and remember what you are doing now for her will give her a tremendous boost for her health later. We love you guys very much!
