What is she doing now?
* saying ma-ma-ma, da-da-da
* has 4 teeth now (2 top, 2 bottom) & her own toothpaste and toothbrush
* crawling
* standing up in her crib
* playing by herself (likes to look at her books)
* willingly eating solid foods (mostly veggies, some fruits, grains - barley & millet & rice cereal, yogurt (small amounts)) No meats or egg yet.
* laughing
* loves to swim (supported of course)
* mostly taking 2 naps (9am and 1pm), but sometimes only takes 1
* still nursing and nursing to sleep for naps and night time
* going to sleep at around 7:30pm (depending on naps and waking up usually between 6:30am-7am)
* sometimes sleeps through the night, but typically wakes 1 time for diaper change and nursing to sleep